
Make a real difference on the water this summer.

Lifeguards are some of the most sought after and important people at summer camp. If you're capable, you'll be in high demand.

Lifeguarding jobs in the U.S.

What's involved with being a lifeguard at summer camp?

"Lifeguarding is a lot of responsibility. You will get all the training you'll need in staff training which means you'll learn how to keep the swimmers safe and perform first aid and rescues if needed. Emergencies are very rare (I have only had two in six years), and when things go right, you get to sit in the sun, have fun with the kids, and you get swim breaks – ideal on a hot day!" - Liam Cutler

Confident around water? Take on a lifeguard's responsibility.
Prior experience or qualifications are needed to become a summer camp lifeguard.

Why should I become a lifeguard at summer camp?

If you’d like to spend your summer by the water, swimming and soaking in the sunshine; then this is role for you. When applying, you should look to highlight your ability and skill level in and around the water. You need to be a strong swimmer and if you don’t have previous experience in lifeguarding, you must be extremely eager to learn. Lifeguarding jobs abroad are certainly some of the best ways to earn money and we can’t think of a better or more fun place than summer camp.

Bonus Qualifications

No qualifications? Don't worry! We can still help you get placed in your dream role at camp this summer.

Applications are now open for 2025!

Spread the cost over 3 payments
Accommodation and meals are included
You’ll earn at least $2000 after tax

Your ultimate summer job.

Build your CV.

Summer camp jobs are a great CV-builder, for whatever career you may pursue.

Teaching children activities at camp is a great alternative to a traditional summer job at home. You will develop your leadership skills, which will make you a great candidate for future job opportunities.

Develop your skills.

Summer camp is the ultimate skills builder.

Not only will you learn hard skills related to your activity, but you'll develop a range of soft skills thanks to what you'll be doing in your day-to-day.

You'll build your team work, communication, problem-solving, creativity and resilience skills, all whilst having the summer of a lifetime.

Make an impact.

It's no exaggeration to say you'll change lives.

Summer camp is a place where magic happens. Whether it's campers overcoming fears, or finding a new activity that takes them down a new path in life, moments happen on a near hourly basis. And you'll be front and centre of it.

Become a leader and experience a summer of a lifetime.


How can I make my lifeguarding application stand out?

If you'd like to be a lifeguard at summer camp, or a lifeguard in the future, it might be worth getting qualified. As although the US camps will be wanting an American red cross certification (which you’ll be able to do at camp) you’ll find that experience and country specific certifications will make all the difference to your application.

How do I become a lifeguard at camp?

When you begin your application you’ll be asked to select your top skills. Make sure you choose lifeguarding and go into detail about what you’re going to bring to the role. You’ll be able to choose your current experience level and if you’re already qualified. A camp director will then be able to assess if you’re a good fit and invite you to their camp.

Will I be trained for lifeguarding at summer camp?

Yes. Lifeguards will arrive before other staff and will undergo an intensive training week under the American red cross criteria, even if already certified in your home country. Even counselors who are not specifically lifeguards can be invited to join and get certified, your camp director will let you know if you need to go or not.