Be a summer superhero to others.

Why become a special needs counselor?
You'll make summer camp accessible for everyone.
Special Needs camps bring in a wide variety of people. You'll be working with people with mental or physical limitations, helping them have the same incredible summer experience as every other camper, and even participating in the same activities.
You'll be part of an incredible team.
With a typical counselor-camper ratio of 1:1 or 2:, you'll have lots of support from fellow counselors, and you'll be able to make sure that your campers have the most incredible summer camp experience.

You'll gain incredible life experience.
Special needs summer camp roles can be challenging, but you'll develop resilience and compassion as a result. You'll experience all the highs and lows of summer and you'll be surprised at just how hard it is to say goodbye when summer comes to an end.

"Getting to know campers with disabilities taught me about knowing the person, rather than the label."
Of course - you'll spend your time caring for people with disabilities, which can be a tiring job. However, most special needs camps are a bit slower-paced than the typical summer camp, to ensure that all the campers can participate. You'll also have lots of support from fellow counselors, and you'll likely have more time off, as most special needs campers will typically only attend camp for a week or two - which means you may get full weekends off. Each camp is different, and campers may stay for the week or for the whole summer. Whatever camp you end up at, you'll get time off each week to rest and recharge - or, if you're up for an adventure, you can explore the surrounding area. Make sure to ask your Camp Director about time off when your application reaches the "Ready to Hire" stage! Check out our after camp travel perks too make the most of your 30 day post-camp travel period!
Special needs summer camps resemble the average summer camp - only for people with special needs. The facilities and accommodations may be more accessible for people with physical disabilities, the intention of these camps is to provide the same incredible summer experience as every other camper would get. Simply put, campers with special needs are able to challenge themselves in all the activities at camp.
Absolutely - you don't need experience to work with special needs campers. Before the campers start to arrive, you'll have at least a week to settle in, meet your co-counselors, and get oriented. There will be lots of other counselors around to support you and provide guidance - the camper-counselor ratio at these camps is usually 1:1 or 2:1. One thing you'll learn about working at a special needs camp is that you'll never quite know what to expect from each day. The best special needs counselors are flexible and compassionate - if you can roll with the punches, and want to develop great relationships, you'll be perfect at one of these camps.
Special needs campers span the full range of the disability spectrum. You may work with a variety of campers - such as people with intellectual or developmental challenges like autism or downs syndrome, behavioural conditions such as ADHD, or physical limitations such as spina bifida. Some camps will have a specific focus, and work with people who have a specific type of disability, and some may be able to accommodate a wider variety. Wherever you end up, you'll be doing a good thing - helping people have an amazing summer that wouldn't be possible without you.