5 Excuse Busting Reasons to Move Abroad in 2025
At any one time, there are 281 million people on the move or already living in a country other than where they were born.
Camp Leaders

At any one time, there are 281 million people on the move or already living in a country other than where they were born.
That’s huge! For perspective, that’s almost the entire population of the USA, or the population of the UK four times over, and each had their own reasons to move abroad.
And you should join them.
I hear you ask, ‘but why?’ and the answer is ‘Why not?’ There are endless great reasons to move abroad and to leave your corner of the world for another.
You’ve heard it all before. Better job prospects, language-learning opportunities, because Emily in Paris told me to, etc., etc. (we’ll get to the et ceteras later.)
But really, we’re a species of movers.
Ever since the first human decided to leave the sunny comfort of the African plains for lands further afield, we were destined to never stop. Sure enough, we walked, boated, and eventually flew our way into every corner of this planet. Call it a natural penchant for discovery or the ‘travellers’ itch that never stops itching. Maybe it’s the insatiable curiosity that fills every one of us.
Whatever it is – moving is in our genes.
But nonetheless, if you’re still looking for a reason to book those tickets, possibly to go to summer camp, then we’ve got it. In fact, we don’t just have one - we have several. Read on to discover them.
It's a great way to learn about yourself

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” ― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.
Self-discovery lies in that place beyond your comfort zone. As you cross borders, you also cross your own. When you explore, you run into challenges, new situations, and people encouraging you to grow.
And as anyone who’s gone on a journey of self-discovery knows … You’ll become a more interesting person!
When Marco Polo said he hadn’t told half of what he saw, do you think he was hinting at a new book release or humble bragging? We’re betting on the latter.
By travelling, you see, hear, and experience things you can’t at home. And that’s the wealth you gain by living a little – a treasure chest of new, gripping stories that’ll have everyone hooked (feel free to add an embellishment here and there, who’s really going to know?). And trust us, after summer camp, you’ll certainly be telling everyone; we just can’t help it.
But enough about you!
Learn about others

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” - Bill Nye.
The second most interesting thing after you is everyone else. Yes, all 7.8 billion (ish) of them. Each one from different walks of life, all with something new to offer. Brimming with culture, personality, wisdom, laughter, and all with a hand extended toward you. And while we don’t really stand much chance of meeting them all, we certainly don’t raise our chances by staying at home.
The best part? It’s always easier to meet people abroad. Locals are as interested in you, the new, intriguing visitor from far away, as you are them. Think of it like making acquaintances based on a cultural exchange that eventually flourishes into a friendship – often lifelong ones.
And if you decide to move home, you’ll always have friends abroad. For you, that means a reason to return with the added benefit of not having to pay for accommodation (and after summer camp, this happens a lot and is a budget-saver).
It's a chance to make a fresh start

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!” - Dr. Seuss.
It’s not often we get the chance to press the ‘reset’ button on life – moving abroad is one of those chances.
Why and how?
We all fall into routines, habits, and go-to’s. It’s what we know. It’s comfortable. But it can also be entirely unfulfilling, stifling, and self-limiting. The worst part? You might not even recognise it.
If you feel like you’re not making the most of your potential, it could be time to get going. The simple act of crossing borders, facing down a whole new world and starting a new life is – at its core – adventurous. And when we’re adventurous, we’re also highly motivated.
As a result, you’ll naturally put your best foot forward while carving out a new life for yourself.
So, for when you feel like you’ve used up every last empty space on the easel, move abroad for a blank slate.
You'll naturally gain independence

“To find yourself, think for yourself.” - Socrates.
As the world grows evermore interconnected, moving out within your own country can feel redundant. Plus, it always leaves you with the prospect of returning to your creature comforts and old support networks. Not ideal for the person looking to expand their horizons and grow as a person.
On the flip side, when you land in another country, you dauntingly but very bravely, once and for all - cut the cord.
Suddenly, you’re on your own. And really, how exciting! It’s time to see what you’re capable of and prove to everyone that you can make it yourself. It’s hard to grow as a person and stand on our own two feet. Move abroad, and the atmosphere of excitement and ‘newness’ makes it that bit simpler.
But still, it won’t be easy for the first week or two, but it gets easier – we promise. Once you get over it, naturally gaining independence is one of the major reasons to move abroad.
Tip: You’re not expected to completely Bear Grylls it – don’t forget to call home for moral support.
There's never been a better time to move abroad

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ― Rumi, The Essential Rumi
After COVID-19, the world is brimming with expectations and a certain ‘newness.’ People worldwide are eager to explore as much as they are to welcome.
And right on cue, the price of travel is dropping. As cost-of-living prices skyrocket in some countries, they remain delightfully manageable in others. By moving country, you stand to benefit from more space and lower prices depending on your destination of choice.
And there you have your first reasons to move abroad …
The world is calling you. You can answer. Or you can never know what’s out there waiting for you if only you’d say ‘hello, world.’ Once you take the leap, the world unfolds before you, and your life starts anew.
By kickstarting your journey to new horizons, you stand to discover a new culture, lifestyle, perspective and, well … you.
It’s as simple as making the decision, and it’s one you won’t regret.