Líder de actividad

Dirija una actividad que le encante este verano.

Ya sea un deporte, un instrumento, o algo completamente diferente, puedes enseñarlo en el campamento.

¿Qué implica ser un especialista en actividades?

Liderarás lo que amas.

La mayoría de los días, enseñarás 5 sesiones de aproximadamente una hora de duración, y conocerás a todos en el campamento a medida que vengan a través de tu actividad. La lista de actividades en el campamento es interminable, así que seguro que habrá algo para ti.

Te convertirás en un líder en tu actividad.

Tu campamento te brindará entrenamiento a medida que llegues, y contarás con la ayuda del consejero a cargo de cada grupo de campistas. Tu rutina diaria te hará sentir como un experto en toda regla cuando termine el verano.

Para los amantes de una actividad
Innumerables actividades para elegir
A menudo no se necesitan calificaciones

Desarrollarás tus habilidades.

La mejor manera de mejorar en algo es enseñando a otra persona. Ser un líder tiene que ver con el autodesarrollo, así que si estás dispuesto a salir e ir a por ello, ¡aún podrías conseguir un gran trabajo de verano!

“Enseñar a los campistas a dar pequeños pasos y aprender nuevas habilidades me ayudó a hacer lo mismo hacia mis propias metas en la vida”.

Oliver C
Líder de actividades de natación

Will I get time off as an Activity Specialist?

Yes! A role as an Activity Specialist is a bit more laid-back than a general counselor role. The campers will come to your station, so you won't be responsible for taking the campers through their day. You'll have some time to yourself between each session before another group arrives, and you can join in on other activities if you've got a free hour between groups. You'll also have days off depending on the schedule at your camp. You'll find out more about your camp's schedule when your application reaches the "Ready to Hire" stage and you have your interview with your Camp Director. Be sure to make the most of your 30 days of after camp travel as well!

Will I be trained as an Activity Specialist?

Absolutely. Depending on which activity you're leading, you'll likely already have at least a basic knowledge of your activity - but camps will provide at least a week of training for your role. Certain positions, such as lifeguards, require more intensive training as well. We also prepare you before you leave, with in-person or online preparation days, as well as an orientation upon arrival in the USA. To find out more about how we prepare you for the USA, just book in a welcome call when you apply and ask one of our team members.

What if I'm not qualified or skilled enough?

Short answer - don't worry! It's a good thing you read the fine print, because you've just stumbled upon one of the greatest summer camp application hacks. Ready? Here it is - if you apply for an Activity Specialist role, you give yourself the highest possible chance to nail down your ultimate summer job. Here's why - statistically, there are more Activity Leader jobs available, and fewer people applying for them. This means there are plenty of opportunities for people like you to scoop up some of the best roles at summer camp! If you're passionate about an activity, it's likely you can teach it at camp, even if you're not quite qualified. Even if you don't get an Activity Leader role, you'll still be eligible for a general counselor role - so it doesn't hurt to apply (in fact, it can only help you). If you're not sure which role to apply for, that's okay! You can fill out up to 10 different skills in your application.

So what are the requirements?

No matter which job role you're interested in, you'll need to meet the Camp Leaders basic eligibility requirements. Because there are so many activities at camp, it's hard to say what your specific requirements will be. Depending on which activity you're interested in, you may or may not need extra requirements - feel free to start an application to find out more.

¿Listo para convertirte en Líder de Actividad en el campamento?