8 Travel Quotes That Inspired Me to Explore the World
Travel quotes often speak to the soul, as though the line of text was written for each person. They are relatable, yet for the right person, they inspire action.
Camp Leaders

Travel quotes often speak directly to the soul, as though the line of text was written specifically for each person.
They are relatable, yet for the right person, they inspire action.
It’s hard to imagine yourself galavanting when you’re trapped in the depths of winter, and your purse feels light. You wistfully look at pictures of far-off places but feel defeated, especially if you can’t get there.
But if you’re looking for a boost, travel quotes can inspire you to start saving and feel motivated to get going.
Equally, if you’ve recently returned from travelling and want a little reminder of the ecstasy you experienced, a great travel quote is just as inspirational.
I’ve gathered together 8 travel quotes that resonate with me and have influenced my experiences over the years, hoping they resonate with you, too.
1. “Jobs fill your pockets, adventures fill your soul.” - Jaime Lyn Beatty
Whenever anyone says to me, “oh, I’d love to travel, but I don’t have the money,” I say; neither did I.
My first travel adventure was one year out of university. I had saved, of course, but I could not stay in luxury hotels or do any of the more expensive things like bungee jumping or skydiving.
Being out in the world was more important than any job I had at that point, and eventually, I earned back the money I spent.
It’s even more fulfilling now because I am in a job I love, and thanks to the perspective I gained from travelling, I’m more rounded.
Money can always come back, but moments can’t.
My soul is so full of adventures you can call me Robin Hood, so live to fill your soul instead.
2. “My goal is to run out of pages in my passport.” - Wolftyla (but let’s face it, any traveller ever)
At the start of this year, my old passport ran out. I was so sad at the thought of my physical collection of destinations disappearing.
Luckily, they return passports because my bank of stamps and visas mean something, a memento of my adventures.
I didn’t entirely run out of space in my old passport, but it’s a goal I aspire to. There’s something validating about having those stamps and visas. Maybe it’s because they are the tangible thing you can point to, “look, here is the proof I went there” (other than pictures, of course).
At the end of the day, your passport is a physical representation of your travels. Your passport may become full and change, but your spirit for adventure never will.
3. “Not all those who wander are lost.” - J.R.R Tolkien
His adventures may have taken place in a fantasy world, but Mr Tolkein’s words ring true about travellers of this Earth.
There's a perception, isn't there, that if you're travelling, you have no direction in life. Yet it's the opposite. Travelling enriches your life and makes any direction you take even more meaningful.
Even if you disagree with this right now as you may feel lost, there will come a day when you look back and see that it was all for a reason.
Feeling lost is an opportunity to experiment with how to set your compass.
There’s no correct answer or path, but keep taking positive steps forward, and eventually, you’ll find where you need to go.
4. “Take only memories, leave only footprints” - Chief Seattle
As climate change is one of our planet's biggest threats, Chief Seattle’s sentiment here is so important for everyone, including travellers.
Perhaps one of the strangest things to happen to me while travelling was when I arrived at Customs in New Zealand and how seriously they took biodiversity. I had never been to a country where they were so strict about not bringing bananas and honey.
The reason, of course, is that New Zealand has a very delicate ecosystem and bringing anything foreign can upset that balance (as is the case for other countries, too).
This has been my long way of saying that nature, and the balance of nature, are essential to keep in mind while travelling.
Sustainable travel is one thing the industry needs to become more mindful of, as do the people who travel.
5. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.” - Mark Twain
From the existential climate change crisis to geopolitical relations with Mark Twain. Yes, he was a controversial figure, but I believe in this sentiment.
Many summer camps across America and camps in Canada love to hire international staff to help their campers learn this important life lesson. Only when we meet people from different cultures or immerse ourselves in lives different from our own can we expand our horizons.
I’ve said this before in another Smaller Earth blog, but I will repeat it; the world would be a much better place if more people travelled.
When people learn to connect, understand, compromise, debate, and develop together, underpinned by different cultures, the world becomes slightly brighter.
6. “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Looking to the future doesn’t need to be as daunting as your brain may trick you into believing.
Yes, you may ask “where will you be? What will you be doing?”. But the one thing you’ll also do is look back on life. We all do it. What if I had gone to that party? Or decided to travel to that place? Our brain seems intent on looking anyway but the present.
There will always be a ‘what if’, but you can help your future self by daring to do something different, something challenging. Be present and enjoy it, as your mind will thank you later.
Mistakes are often the best life lessons, and great trips become the best experiences.
7. “A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” - Lao Tzu
It's easy to get swept up in the planning for travel.
Of course, certain things will need to be planned, such as booking your flight, visas, insurance etc., but other than that, it's up to fate.
The joy of travelling is having a certain amount of time just for you. When are you ever going to get that again?
Following your instinct and living in the moment is the biggest perk of travelling.
It’s the only time in your life when you are in complete control. No deadlines. No targets.
Just time for you to discover more about yourself and the world around you.
8. “Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” - Dalai Lama
I wanted to end on this one, hoping it will inspire you to make a trip.
Travel doesn’t have to be about jet-setting to Australia or backpacking Asia solo; it’s about stepping out of your comfort zone and going somewhere you’ve never been.
Even our little island is full of possible adventures. Train, drive, hike, bike, whatever it is, there are many places to explore without spending too much money.
I firmly believe in summer camp, with the opportunity it provides to grow and explore abroad, all managed in a safe environment around others taking the same journey.
But whatever your calling is, allow yourself to be drawn to it; I guarantee it will be your best decision.
There have been travel quotes that I left out, but these are my personal favourites.
Like all forms of self-development, they’re intensely personal to each person. Again, like self-development books, you should consume them often for them to sink in.
They're great ones to write down (or up on your wall) to serve as a reminder of how enriching travel is.
Right, where is my passport? I think it's time to book my next trip!