
Make the water your home this summer.

If you've got a passion for getting out on the lake, then we've got a role for you.

Sailing and Powerboat Jobs in America

What's involved with teaching sailing or driving powerboats at camp?

By teaching sailing at summer camp or driving powerboats, you'll have a responsibility to establish not just a fun atmosphere, but a safe one. You'll be involved with all areas, including helping with lifejackets, safety demos, and checking the equipment. For most of your day, you'll take groups of campers out, showing them how incredible time on the water can be. If you have RYA Level 2 qualifications or any other relevant experience, be sure to include it on your application.

If you feel more at home on the water, you'll be perfect for a role at camp.
There's little better feeling than taking off from a dock in the morning and carving through a glassy smooth lake.

Why should I teach boating this summer?

By teaching sailing at summer camp or driving powerboats, you'll have a responsbility to instill not just a fun atmosphere, but a safe one. You'll be involved with all areas, including helping with lifejackets, safety demos, and checking the equipment.


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A programdíjat fizetheted részletekben
Szállás és étkezés biztosítva van
Nettó minimum 1400 $ garantált zsebpénz

A legszórakoztatóbb nyári munkád.

Turbózd fel az önéletrajzod

A nyári tábori munka remek lehetőség, hogy építsd az önéletrajzodat, bármilyen karriert is válassz.

A gyerekek táborban való tanítása jó alternatíva a hagyományos nyári munkához. Fejleszti a vezetői képességeidet, ami segít a jövőbeli állásoknál.

Fejleszd a képességeidet

A nyári tábor a legjobb hely a készségek fejlesztésére.

Nemcsak a feladatokhoz szükséges gyakorlati dolgokat tanulod meg, hanem sok más fontos készséget is, mint a csapatmunka, kommunikáció, problémamegoldás, kreativitás és rugalmasság, miközben a legjobb nyarat éled.

Legyél példakép

Ez az élmény megváltoztatja az életed, és te is hatással leszel másokra.

A nyári tábor egy varázslatos hely, ahol a táborozók legyőzik a félelmeiket, vagy új tevékenységek révén új utakat találnak az életben.

Dolgozz amerikai nyári táborban és éld meg életed nyarát


How can I apply for sailing and powerboat jobs at summer camp?

When starting your application you’ll be asked to select your top skills. Choose 'Sailing' and/or 'Powerboat'. Go into detail about what you’re going to bring to the role, your skill level and if you’re already qualified. A camp director will then be able to assess if you’re a good fit and invite you to their camp.

How can I make my application stronger without any qualifications?

The best way to make your application stronger is to have the qualifications to back it up. Sailing/powerboat jobs in America are a fantastic way to spend the summer but also very competitive. If you are serious about coaching football in the USA then take a look at courses which may give you confidence and show your skill level.

How many children will I be coaching in one session?

This depends on the role you take. With sailing, it's often 1 to 1 in terms of leaders to campers, maybe slightly more depending on the craft you're in. Powerboats can normally accommodate 5 or 6 children, their counsellor, and if there's watersports involved, then likely another specialist as a 'spotter'.