Monitor de Campamento

Conviértete en un héroe en todos los roles.

Si eres un todoterreno fuerte y quieres trabajar con un grupo de niños, serás un gran consejero de campamento.

¿Qué implica ser un monitor general de campamento?

Te convertirás en un modelo a seguir.

Pasarás tu verano compartiendo tiempo con tu grupo de campistas, conociéndolos bien.

Si buscas una experiencia muy personal en la que realmente puedas marcar la diferencia, ser consejero de campamento este verano es el rol para ti. Te convertirás en un hermano mayor de confianza, un mentor y una guía, dejando una impresión duradera en los líderes del mañana.

Serás parte del equipo

Con tu campamento, tus colegas y tus campistas, te sentirás parte de equipos muy unidos desde el principio.

El personal y los campistas vienen de todo el mundo para disfrutar del verano, y el vínculo que crearás con estas personas durará toda la vida.

Perfecto para los polifacéticos
Prueba todas las actividades en el campamento
No se requieren cualificaciones

Probarás todas las actividades que tu campamento tiene para ofrecer.

Recorrerás el campamento con tu grupo de campistas, manteniéndolos en horario y colaborando con los líderes de actividades para garantizar una experiencia segura y agradable en cada actividad.

"Sentí que hice un gran impacto en mi grupo de campistas y desarrollé nuevas habilidades de liderazgo como resultado."

Thomas Bailey
Monitor General


Will I get time off as a camp counselor?

Yes, you will! Every camp's schedule different, but most days will follow a basic outline. At the end of the day, you're there for a cultural exchange experience, so you'll get days off to rest up or explore the surrounding area, and what you do is up to you. As part of the camp counselor program, you’ll have days off written into your contract. You'll also have up to 30 days to explore the best of America after camp. Soak in the sights, sunshine and experience the real USA firsthand. Whether you fancy a DIY adventure, or one of our many discounted group road trips, the USA is yours for the taking.

Will I be trained for the camp counselor job?

We'll get you well-prepared before you even leave for the USA. Make sure to attend one of our prep days, either in-person or online, so that you're ready for your ultimate summer. You'll also have a group orientation upon arrival with other counselors from across the world, and spend your first week of camp going through training before the campers arrive. To find out more about how we prepare you for the USA, just book in a welcome call when you apply and ask one of our team members.

How old are the campers?

Every camp is different, and there may be varying age groups depending on the type of camp you go to. We'll work to find you a camp that suits your preferences, and your campers will generally all be around the same age. Most campers are aged from 7-16. Whatever age group you end up working with, you'll have a summer to remember, and make a lasting impression on the next generation of Leaders.

Are there any requirements?

Summer camp in America is a great way to work and travel abroad. Because of the J1 cultural exchange visa, there are some basic eligibility requirements for the Camp Leaders program. They typically include: Having a clean criminal background & health record. Summer availability between June & August. Being aged 18+ before camp starts. For a full list, check out our summer camp eligibility page. If you're at all concerned about your eligibility status, just get in touch. We'll do what we can to get you to America for a summer to remember.

¿Listo para ser monitor de campamento este verano?