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Helping children who deserve to experience camp.

Make an undeniable impact on a group of children who'd normally not be able to experience such life-changing moments.
Two camp counselors juming off a lake pier into the water
Two counselors sitting down and smiling

What is an underprivileged camp?

These camps provide summer camp opportunities for children who may not otherwise be able to go.

These camps are specifically meant for campers from underprivileged backgrounds - so you'll be making a huge difference.

Often run by non-profit agencies, these camps most often fit into the traditional summer camp category. You'll make a big difference, and still have an incredible summer camp experience.

Accommodation and meals.

Accommodation at underprivileged camps are basically the same as traditional camps. They're ran in a similar way to ensure the traditional summer camp experience, and that means your meals being in the main hall, amongst other things.

It's still the quintessential summer camp we all know.

The Campers

The campers at underprivileged camps often come from tough backgrounds, where the cost of summer camp would normally mean it's out of reach for families.

This can mean you'll normally get a lot of inner city kids, some of who wouldn't of experienced any of the activities that summer camp can offer in their regular lives.

This is one of the beautiful moments of camp, however, as you can genuinely see and feel the impact that summer camp has on broadening their horizons on what is possible.

Ready for your summer of a lifetime?